Tom of Brackenhill (imp UK) 20th June 2002 ~ 18th October 2014
Murray wanted me to post this on his behalf.
“Thank you all for your kind words for Rom Tom and our family at this time. It means a great deal to me personally to see the tributes flowing in for our Tom.
For people from within the Gypsy Cob community to acknowledge him for the great contribution that he has made to the breed in Australia means a great deal to me at this most difficult time. He deserves it all.
Tom won many hearts in his short time on earth.
For thousands of Australians he was the first Gypsy Cob that they had ever seen and touched.
He is a legend.
It has been an absolute privilege for me to share my life with such a charismatic horse.
Tom and I had a special bond, I remember saying to Mary when I first met him as a young colt and saw that twinkle in his eye that there was a hobgoblin in there and indeed there was.
A powerful horse, he was before his illness, every inch of him strong, masculine and proud yet he also had a soft and loving side as well and thoroughly enjoyed our scratches and hugs.
I had never been much of a horse person before I met him but Tom soon became a large, important part of my life and I always felt very proud of him. He is special to me and won my heart.
I will miss you mate, but will never forget you
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