Twin Gypsy Cob Foals for Australia
Surrey Springs are thrilled to announce that on the 28th of October 2015 our beautiful imported Gypsy Cob Mare Ivy surprised us with the birth of healthy twin Gypsy Cob foals. We feel so blessed to have these little miracles in our life.
We gave our twin Gypsy Cob foals angel names to reflect the miracle and blessing that they are. Arriving almost exactly 12 months after we lost our beloved Tom, the babies are a constant source of joy in our lives. The filly who was the first born is named Zuriel and the colt is named Gazardiel.
The Angel Zuriel is the Angel of Salvation. This angel seeks out justice in life to produce harmony and balance in all things. This angel helps us attain forgiveness and balance, showing us how to forgive and release resentments resulting from disappointments. Archangel Zuriel is an Angel of Transformation, bringing divine light into our lives and helps us to understand that those disappointments can actually be blessings and opportunities.
The Angel Gazardiel is the angel of new beginnings and holds dominion over the rising sun. This angel brings the attributes of forgiveness, letting go of past trauma and the creation of a clear path forward.